PT LCK Global Kedaton Tbk

PT LCK Global Kedaton Tbk adalah perdagangan dan konstruksi telekomunikasi, instalasi, pengujian, dan commissioning / ITC, layanan pendukung untuk base transceiver (BTS), dan CME dan sudah berdiri sejak tahun 2014.

PT LCK Global Kedaton Tbk, didirikan pada tanggal 31 Juli 2013 . Pada tahun 2013 Perseroan langsung memasuki kegiatan usaha di bidang jasa services dan engineering khususnya untuk penyelenggaraan di bidang telekomunikasi yaitu Pekerjaan SIS , SITAC ,dan CME selain itu juga Pekerjaan Sarana Penunjang Base Transceiver Station (BTS) lainnya.

PT LCK Global Kedaton Tbk sudah melakukan hubungan kerjasama dengan di beberapa perusahaan Telekomunikasi Provider seperti PT. Kreasindo Utama Jaya Solution, PT. Telesindo Mitra Integrasi, PT Ferprina Trijaya dan PT Ardysia Pacific yang merupakan vendor dari Telkomsel, XL Axiata, Huawei, PT. Tower Bersama Group dan PT. Profesional Telekomunikasi Indonesia (Protelindo).

Dari Tahun 2013 sampai saat ini, PT LCK Global Kedaton Tbk sudah menjadi beberapa mitra Tower Provider, seperti PT. Tower Bersama Group Tbk, dan PT. Inti Bangun Sejahtera (IBS), PT. Lasmana Swasthi Prashida, PT. Karya Lintas Sejahtera, dan PT. Permata Karya Persada, PT Centratama Menara Indonesia, PT Triview Geospasial Mandiri dan PT Ferprina Trijaya



PT LCK Global Kedaton Tbk is a telecommunications and construction trade, installation, testing, and commissioning / ITC, support services for base transceivers (BTS), and CME and has been established since 2014


PT LCK Global Kedaton, was established on July 31, 2013. In 2013 the Company directly entered into business activities in the field of services and engineering, especially for the implementation of telecommunications, namely the Work of SIS, SITAC, and CME as well as other Supporting Facilities for Base Transceiver Station (BTS).


PT LCK Global Kedaton has established cooperative relationships with several telecommunications providers, such as PT. Kreasindo Utama Jaya Solution, PT. Telesindo Mitra Integrasi, PT Ferprina Trijaya and PT Ardysia Pacific which are vendors of Telkomsel, XL Axiata, Huawei, PT. Tower Bersama Group and PT. Indonesian Telecommunications Professional (Protelindo).


From 2013 until now, PT LCK Global Kedaton has become a number of Tower Provider partners, such as PT. Tower Bersama Group Tbk, and PT. Inti Bangun Sejahtera (IBS), PT. Lasmana Swasthi Prashida, PT. Karya Lintas Sejahtera, and PT. Permata Karya Persada, PT Centratama Menara Indonesia, PT Triview Geospatial Mandiri and PT Ferprina Trijaya









Tower Work Sample

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