PT LCK Global Kedaton , didirikan pada tanggal 31 Juli 2013 . Pada tahun 2013 Perseroan mulai memasuki kegiatan usaha di bidang jasa services dan engineering khususnya untuk penyelenggaraan di bidang telekomunikasi yaitu Pekerjaan SIS , SITAC ,dan CME  selain itu juga Pekerjaan Sarana Penunjang Base Transceiver Station (BTS) lainnya.
Adapun Perseroan telah bekerja sama dengan pihak pihak Main Sub con maupun Tower Profider (TP) nya langsung yang ada di indonesia diantaranya :


PT LCK Global Kedaton, was established on July 31, 2013. In 2013 the Company commenced business activities in the field of services and engineering specifically for the implementation of telecommunications, namely the Work of SIS, SITAC, and CME as well as the Work of Supporting Facilities for Base Transceiver Station (BTS) the other.
The Company has cooperated with the Main Sub con and the Tower Profider (TP) directly in Indonesia including :




PT. Inti Bangun Sejahtera, Tbk


PT. IBS adalah Perusahaan penyedia jasa menara telekomunikasi terkemuka di Indonesia yang sudah bekerjasama dengan PT LCK Global Kedaton dalam bidang konstruksi tower dan instalasi telekomunikasi. Kedepannya PT LCK Global Kedaton mempunyai target dalam kurung waktu dekat ini akan berkerjasama dalam bidang services maintenance di area seluruh Indonesia.


PT. IBS is a leading telecommunications tower service provider company in Indonesia that has collaborated with PT LCK Global Kedaton in the field of tower construction and telecommunications installation. Going forward, PT LCK Global Kedaton has a target in the near future to be collaborating in the field of maintenance services in areas throughout Indonesia.





PT. Lasmana Swasti Prashida


PT. Lasmana Swasti Prashida (LSP) adalah suatu perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang tower provider. Selama 2 tahun bekerja sama dengan PT LSP, kami PT LCK Global Kedaton sudah membangun cukup banyak tower (LSP) di area Jabodetabek, Jawa Barat, Jawa Tengah, Bali dan NTB


PT. Lasmana Swasti Prashida (LSP) is a company engaged in the tower provider field. During the 2 years of working with PT LSP, we PT LCK Global Kedaton have built quite a number of towers (LSP) in the Greater Jakarta area, West Java, Central Java, Bali and NTB





PT. Centratama Menara Indonesia


PT. Centratama Menara Indonesia (CMI) merupakan 10 terbesar dari Perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang Tower Provider di Indonesia. Kerjasama yang dilakukan PT LCK Global Kedaton dengan CMI melingkupi di bidang kontruksi tower, instalasi kabel optik in building (DAS) dan services maintenance. Area yang sudah dikerjakan oleh PT LCK Global Kedaton melingkupi area Jabodetabek dan Jawa Tengah.


PT. Centratama Menara Indonesia (CMI) is the 10th largest company engaged in the field of Tower Providers in Indonesia. The collaboration between PT LCK Global Kedaton and CMI covers the fields of tower construction, installation of optical cables in building (DAS) and maintenance services. The area that has been worked on by PT LCK Global Kedaton covers the Greater Jakarta and Central Java areas.





PT. Triview Geospatial Mandiri


PT. Triview Geospatial Mandiri adalah perusahaan Telekomunikasi Infratsructure Provider yang membangun fasilitas infratruktur telekomunikasi. PT LCK Global Kedaton sudah bekerjasama dengan PT Triview Goespatial Mandiri dalam membangun Tower Telekomunkiasi yang di pergunakan oleh Operator XL Axiata, Telkomsel dan H3I mencakup area Sumatera, Sulawesi dan Kalimantan.


PT. Triview Geospatial Mandiri is a Telecommunications Infrastructure Provider that builds telecommunications infrastructure facilities. PT LCK Global Kedaton has collaborated with PT Triview Goespatial Mandiri in building the Telecommunication Tower which is used by XL Axiata, Telkomsel and H3I Operators covering the areas of Sumatra, Sulawesi and Kalimantan.





PT. Permata Karya Perdana


PT. Permata Karya Perdana adalah perusahaan tower provider yang sudah bekerjasama dengan PT LCK Global Kedaton dalam membangun tower di area Pertokoan Alfamart di seluruh cabang Alfamart Indonesia.


PT. Permata Karya Perdana is a tower provider company that has collaborated with PT LCK Global Kedaton in building towers in the Alfamart Shopping area in all branches of Alfamart Indonesia.





PT Tower Bersama Group ,Tbk, (TBG)


PT Tower Bersama Infrastructure, Tbk (TBG) merupakan sepuluh perusahaan tersebar penyedia layanan infrastruktur telekomunikasi terkemuka. Kerjasama yang sudah dijalani dengan PT LCK Global Kedaton yakni membangun tower telekomunikasi milik TBG.


PT Tower Bersama Infrastructure, Tbk (TBG) is the top ten companies in the telecommunications infrastructure service provider. The collaboration that has been undertaken with PT LCK Global Kedaton is to build TBG's telecommunication tower.